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Episode 7: Mompreneur Mastermind with Stefanie Gass

content strategy entrepreneur network marketing self worth Oct 16, 2019

What’s The Episode About…

In today’s episode, I have a very special guest and she is not only a natural entrepreneur, but she is also the creator and host of The Mompreneur Mastermind, a podcast that helps mompreneurs create passive income businesses that light them up. She is the Stefanie Gass and she has a lot to share with you. Are you ready?

When you decide to take a step back from the hustle and grind, there are a lot of things to consider, that’s why I brought Stefanie to talk with me today because she has helped a lot of people to find their message, create successful businesses and to work on a content strategy that works for you and not the other way around.

In this episode, we are going to learn a very valuable lesson about self-worth and overachievement, so tune in because this journey is about to begin.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Stefanie’s journey to entrepreneurship: how did it all begin? (4:40)
  • False Achievements and overachievement: recognizing your self-worth beyond validation  (08:36)
  • Redefining worth in your own terms and restoring balance in your life (11:57)
  • A day in the life: how does an entrepreneurial life look from the inside? (17:20)
  • How to start working on a super effective content strategy? (22:52)
  • Finding your ideal platform: how to get your content out? (30:10)



Learn More About The Content Discussed…



When Did It Air…

October 16, 2019



Episode Transcript…

Disclaimer: The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors


Stefanie Gass:

Here’s what I did, all of them, I started with blogging and realized this is crazy, I had a newborn at the time  and a two and a half-year-old and I didn’t, I don’t mind writing but it takes me so long like versus just showing up and talking so then I transitioned and that’s for some people, fewer people, I would say 10% of my community prefers to write, if that’s for you, that’s for you to show up.   Welcome to You’re Not The Boss Of Me. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves, and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started.


Beth Graves:

Hey friends, I am so excited because the reason for this podcast, You’re Not The Boss Of Me is because one day I was scrolling on Facebook while I was in the gym and I love to always talk about how you meet and connect, cause someone said to me, you seem to know everyone. It’s my full-time job, I think to find these mentors and these leaders and these friends in the online community. So I was checking out a Facebook group and I just typed in the search bar podcast and it came up The Mompreneur Mastermind. And as I was working out, I just clicked on this and I heard the voice of who our guest is today, Stefanie Gass. I’m going to introduce her, then tell you the story of what happened in that podcast so she can share that story that inspired me.


Beth Graves: 

Um, so Stefanie is a podcast and passive income coach and she helps mompreneurs create passive income businesses that light them up. I love this part. She’s fueled by Jesus iced coffee and toddler snuggles. Um, and her calling is honestly, I could read her bio, but when you look at what her calling is, she’s that voice of me sitting in a gym. I had already been winning in my business, but I so needed to have her give me permission to take a deep breath. And I found myself, I don’t know if it was because the leg press machine was too heavy, but tears are streaming down my face. So welcome Stefanie. I’m so happy you’re here today. Oh,


Stefanie Gass:

thank you, Beth. And you’re just one of my most prized friends and clients and I love you so much. I’m so proud of you taking those big audacious leaps when God calls you for more and we’re afraid of more because we feel like how, what, why? But you were there. You were at that point of, I’m, I’m ready for more. And I think when you finally open your heart to what’s next, God will place it in there. And so through divine intervention, you’ve heard the words you needed to hear the leg press was, you could blame it on the leg press, like for the tears. And so I’m just excited for you and this new mission on your arm.


Beth Graves:

Well, and I love that said, when someone said to me, I can’t, I think it was my friend Blair. And um, she said, sometimes God shows up for you in a text message, in a Facebook scroll in exactly the podcast you’re supposed to hear that day. So if that is your friends and you’re hearing this podcast, uh, what, where I was when I connected with Stefanie and all I did you guys, was screenshot the podcast, tag her in it and send her a quick message that, that it was so powerful and we had this connection. And then I knew I’m one person that has realized early on investing in that coaching piece has been huge of just saying to her, um, Hey, let, let’s, let’s grab an hour together because I feel like I need to dive into this more. And that was how that’s how we began this journey. And then, um, she out to me about


Stefanie Gass:

podcast pro university. We’ll talk about that a little bit later on and asked me to be one of her. Um, I got to be one of them, the first ones in. So Stefanie, what I heard that day was you had it all. I’ve, you are a success, like huge success of both of us have multiple degrees and years of college and lots of money invested in lots of people saying, well, why aren’t you using your 17 degrees? What I and my mother is thinking that was a lot of money. What I heard that day was, it’s like, take a breath, open your eyes because life is going to pass while you’re so busy in the hustle and grind. So can you talk about where you were and those steps that it took? This is the podcast. You’re Not The Boss Of Me being faith-driven. I know that you were listening to him, um, but you weren’t willing to stay with what was society may be wanting you to do.


Stefanie Gass:

Walk us through that journey, sir. So when I started out, um, in my whole entrepreneurial journey, I had been in corporate, climbed that corporate ladder. I think like so many of you listening have the degrees, have the stability, and I’m a natural achiever. I’m a three on the Enneagram. Like Beth, you know, you give me a goal and get out of the way like it’s getting done. It’s natural in me and it’s, I love it. I love work. And there are pros and cons to that personality style, which we’ll go into in a second. So at the time climb corporate, I’m jet setting, making six figures, that’s a 26-year-old and corporate. And then I realized, Oh, I want to get married. And I had met my husband to be and we decided we want to have this family. And I think it’s so cool that God always steps in.


Stefanie Gass:

And for me, it’s God, whatever that means for your steps in and kind of realign you a little bit. And sometimes it’s hard and it’s painful and it’s confusing. And I thought, Oh, what’s happening? My, my company shut down that was here where I live. And at the same time, we were thinking about starting a family and I went, Oh, well maybe this is a sign I should do something different. Never had thought of being an entrepreneur. We were never introduced to entrepreneurship as kids. My dad grew up very, very poor. And so when he went and got his master’s degree, that was like, this is the American dream. You get the degree. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But that’s what we were taught. So I didn’t know that I was an entrepreneur until my mom came to me and said, Hey, I’m joining this network marketing company.


Stefanie Gass:

Do you want to do this with me? And I’m like, Oh my gosh, perfect timing. I have no job. I’m ready to have kids. That chick on the Pink Flamingo in the promo video making Millies I can be her right? Like dollar bills. I’m ready. I’m ready. And so join network marketing company. And it was never a question if I was gonna make it, it was how fast am I going to make it? Like I’m going. So when to every networking event, I could go to every, you know, like where you put up the tables and you sell things like what does that called Beth? Like, oh, I’m vendor shows or shows, right? Like you, I listened to you once on a podcast and you were talking about how you like prepared all the things you had, everything ready, the meetings ready. I felt like when you and I’ve, I’ve now built my network marketing business around how I want my life to live with those boundaries of, of, okay, I don’t go and set those meetings up unless it’s X, Y, and Z. But I felt that when you were saying, I had it all set up, I invested money and your kids are at home, who are putting them to bed, right?


Stefanie Gass:

Yeah. Oh, it was insanity. It was, it wasn’t sanity. And so I’m going to tell you, I worked myself to the absolute bone and I quote-unquote made it. Okay. Top 1%, all the money, all the trips, the cars, the great. And the beauty of that was it was a lesson for me in letting my personality type and the false idols of success, recognition, false validation, take over. If it wasn’t their work, marketing was going to be something else. Because at the time I was searching for worth and I thought that my worth came from how much money I made. All right. I always say, and I still struggle with this. I struggle with people. Love you for what you do instead of, Oh wait, people, love me for who I am. And that was a big mindset shift that I had to go through being an overachiever.


Stefanie Gass:

So those of you overachievers here, that maybe that’s the eye what you, I know that you’ll pick up these golden nuggets. I w I can’t write because I don’t want the table to move, so I have to relisten. Can you, um, talk about false achievement? Yeah. I need this lesson. Um, I, at the beginning of the rise to the top and like you, I, it was, I, I was like, well, she’s on the Pink Flamingo. I’m on the freaking pink Flamingo. And it was literally missing some of some pivotal moments. My daughter went to college and I said, I’m sorry. Um, and that false recognition, I kept waiting for the approval for the magazine for the stage. And when I started to lean into it, it was leaning into who was I helping and who was I serving? And, and realizing, and I still struggle and I want you to give advice on this.


Stefanie Gass:

Yeah. I always grab a little coaching tip tidbit when I get my, my idols, when I, when I lean into it and I go back, it’s like getting back into the word, getting into the stories of the men and women that we’re helping, whether it’s building a podcast, passive income stream, network marketing, I’m then re that’s when I know my calling and my purpose. But then when I hear someone was asked to do the video and it wasn’t me, and then I go through all of these things, we’ll look at what I’ve done, look what I’ve done. And that’s what causes that, those emotions to rise. And how can people listen who are waiting for that validation to overcome that? Yeah. So I think we all have different pieces of our soul that are fueled in different ways based on the gifts that you have, the personality style that God gifted you with.


Stefanie Gass:

And so for Beth and I, a lot of you know our drive comes from achievement and you can use that for beautiful things. In this world, we’re not afraid. We will leap, we can get on a stage, we can preach and teach, but we can also fall into recognition equals worth. And so I think where you have to really look at this is, is somebody else telling me what equals worth? Is this company telling me when you hit this level, then you’re worthy of the stage. When you hit this level, then you’re worthy of financial freedom. Passive income. Taking a step back out of working 60 hours a week, is somebody imposing on me? What worth is? Is this boss telling me you are worthy? When you work overtime, you are worthy. When you don’t take a sick day is this spouse potentially telling me you are only worthy when you have the house perfectly clean.


Stefanie Gass:

When my dinner is cooked, when it’s different for all of us, but we have to separate in our minds and our hearts what somebody else is telling you your worth is. Versus wait a minute, my only worth comes from who I inherently am and who God says that I am. And so for me, what I had to do, Beth, is I had to get out a sheet of paper and this is the network marketing business for me, crumbled. And I will tell you because it wasn’t mine, I didn’t create a personal brand, which is number one, number two, because it wasn’t in alignment for me anymore. And number three, because of the way I was working, that business was created, it created a monster. It created a workaholic it, and it’s not the company or the industry’s fault, it’s that I got lost in that. And so I had to sit down with a sheet of paper and say what equals worth for me.


Stefanie Gass:

Like what would be the life that the woman I would want to become if I could three years from now, look at her and go, wow, like that woman is making impact and waves here on earth and she’s happy and fulfilled and healthy and she’s a focused mama and she makes passive income, true passive income and she’s created something that will be sustainable long term forever. And I wrote all these things on this piece of paper and then I just stared at it cause I’m like, I don’t know her. Like I don’t know her. I don’t know how to become her. So I think the first step is looking inside the heart and inside


Beth Graves:

of all of these may be self-imposing limiting beliefs that you’ve created and then say, where’s that coming from? [inaudible] it’s probably not coming from you is what I’m getting at here. So that’s step one. Okay. Then step two for me, Beth was saying, where does my work actually come from and how can I become this woman that is balanced, quote-unquote, or blend her life is a better blend? How can I release this notion that I’m only worthy if I work and I had to work so hard on becoming that woman? It took a year. I went through a full-on life crisis because I didn’t know the money was gone, are going quickly. Where am I gonna make money? I failed for the first time in my life and as an achiever that is crushing, you know, now I’m a failure and nobody loves me because that’s where my mindset was at.


Beth Graves:

So I had to go to therapy. I had to get my mind right. I had to take a year to figure out what worth really meant to me. And every day I look at that paper and pick one thing off that paper and say, how can I be like her today? What would she do? Would she go to the gym or would she stay here and watch Netflix? Would this woman get into the word of God in the morning or would she get up and work with this woman, go to dinner with her husband? Or would she say make excuses because she feels like she has to take that phone call? Like what would she do? And I started taking the actions that that woman on the piece of paper would do and it changed my life. I, you know, I was just going to ask you a question and you answered it.


Beth Graves:

Because we have a, we’ll have listeners who are in network marketing who are feeling, feeling those things getting away. So whether you’re corporate network marketing, whether you have a coaching business, write those things down on the piece of paper because one of those pieces is seriously walking my dogs in the morning with my husband and at night because I wasn’t willing to have that disconnect going to bed at the same time. What are those things in your life that are part of your master plan? Who at the end of the day, I mean we all say it at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how much money is in the bank, although I love money. Money loves me. I say it all the time, but it is about the quality of the lives that we can impact and saying like, here we go. This is You’re Not The Boss Of Me. All of it. You get to, you get to decide. I just had somebody texts me, a wonderful woman and she said, are you available at four 20 and a year ago? I would’ve said yes, but I said, Friday afternoon is reserved for Donnie. He comes home from school, we get ready, we, we make dinner together. He’s my 15 years old who still talks to me occasionally. Um, Oh, I’m terrified. I’m like my babies. I saw your empty


Stefanie Gass:

nester posts the other day and I was like, no, I never want them to grow up.


Beth Graves:

Well, I’ve got to share this though because it’s, it’s, my transition was at mid-forties all of a sudden I realized that I needed to go back to work. I put on the piece of paper, um, the ceiling for teaching or administration was way too low. And I also don’t like anybody being the boss of me. Um, so network marketing was a great fit, but when you start to feel that some of you listening, it’s the emptiness was all of a sudden you start your, your kids don’t need you to drive them places you, you start to define. And I love that you say that you are empowered, empowering women to claim their best lives. Um, for me, my best life needed for me to have something else and that was okay. Like me, it didn’t mean my husband wasn’t fulfilling it or my friends and I needed something more.


Beth Graves:

And um, I have to share this, that Dani told me, he has this, uh, a crush on, uh, a volleyball player. And he said, I wrote her a note and I just said to her, I want you to read this if you’re ever feeling down because I’m telling you all of the wonderful qualities about you. And I’m like, Oh, all of this stuff, all the podcasts that I make him listen to in the car, they’re paying off. So mama’s out there. Just keep going, keep, keep doing those things that they roll their eyes. So let me ask you this, I want to ask you two questions. Okay. One thing that people always ask me as getting, getting inside, you know, on stars, just like us, they show behind the scenes of the movie stars, what’s in their bag, what’s in their purse. And if someone had to hop in your day, uh, what would, I know that you have a planner that helps you so much, you to talk about that. But what would a day in your life for when you set, when you are having success with Stefanie, how does your most productive day work and what do you have in place so that you’re not doing that? That entrepreneur or Facebook, Instagram, scroll, podcast, scroll.


Stefanie Gass:

You know, I’d been there. Shiny sequins. Oh my gosh, listen to this. Do this. Maybe I’ll take this course. Yes, yes. So today would be an example. So, for example, I’ll walk you guys through a typical day for me, 6:00 AM I wake up, I spend 30 minutes doing my morning routine, which is journaling in my product, which is absolutely mind-blowing with Kaci rises, journal. Um, then I do my scripture. I read five pages. Like it’s, it’s simple, but I always feel like what I pick up from those pages was meant for me that day. Then I go, I make all the lunches, get the breakfast ready, wake up the kids, get the kids ready for school. I have five and a half almost. I’m a three-year-old, so get them up, get them dressed, we eat and then we head out. I drop off one kiddo at kindergarten and then the other kiddo either has preschool or he comes with me to the gym.


Stefanie Gass:
So we go to the gym and this was a promise I made to myself two years, two-plus years ago was my self-care and my health come first. Right above work. Because it’s natural for me to walk. I want to work. I want to spend the two hours that I’m at the gym just working cause I love it, but I have to be careful because that can easily step on my health, which then you know that your mindset, you don’t feel good about yourself and all the crazy spirals. So we go to the gym. I worked for an hour because they have wifi there and my little likes to go play outside. He has his friends. It’s amazing. Let go of the control, control strings. Those of you with little kids, they like to play with friends, ask for help. Okay, so I put them in the gym.


Stefanie Gass:

I work for an hour and then I do my workout class. Then we come home, we do lunch and I put him to nap and so then I know, okay this is the golden time. I can work from 1230 until three 30 when I have to go pick up the other kid from the bus stop right down the street. So I put on the work that I’m doing. Here’s what I do. It either has to be PR, public relations, which means my podcast. Someone else’s podcast, content creation. I need to impact my woman, my avatar. Her name is Lola. I need to impact Lola at the most insane level. Number two, I need to make money, which means private coaching with a client. Um, or number three, it lights my soul on fire, like content creation or something. So it has to be one of those three things.


Stefanie Gass:

An activity. I’m not on Instagram and not on Facebook. I’m not checking my groups right now. I’m not damning people back. It’s how can I impact change because I can do that other stuff when my kids are playing outside, right? I can do all of the, Oh, I just wonder what’s happening on Instagram while they’re in the bathtub, but I can not focus and create. I feel like you have these gifts that you were born with, but you need, you are only as successful as your focus is. So I put on that focus hat, no distraction. Knock that out. Then I picked up the little human from the bus stop. We do baths, we get dinner ready, we do laundry. I may work a little bit like DMS or answer emails, that type of thing. And then at about six 30, the bone goes away, dinner, you know, a show with the husband, whatever we want to do.


Stefanie Gass:          20:26 And so that’s a typical day. Um, I have a VA that I outsource many, many things to. I have someone that cleans my house for me, I, and that you guys that came with time, but I realized that my time was actually more important to me than money. And so if I could outsource things for a fraction of what it would cost me to do them, my hourly rate, you can quantify, is this worth me outsourcing? While would you charge more than that per hour? Then your time is now more valuable for you to go to work and create and spend time in your zone of genius. So anything that I feel that I can outsource, I stopped making excuses for that and finally let it go. So that’s my day. It’s crazy. And my money, you’re probably like, well, how do you make money? Money comes from passive income products for me. I monetize my podcast and I also have online courses and I take a couple of clients here and there, but most people, 80% of my income comes from courses, online courses, which is amazing.


Beth Graves:
So here I, I, I have this question all of the time and you’re the perfect example of this. Someone said, well why a podcast for you? And when you talk about content creation and you talk about people, it’s a big space. So the world is not going to find you on your Facebook page because you put up a really good post or because you messaged 22 people, somehow the world has to find you through content, right? Content creation. And that’s a, especially for network marketers, sometimes a hard concept for them to understand. And I started to really understand the podcast platform through watching you and following you or actually didn’t even have the podcast app on my phone the day that I saw that I had to download the ad. It’s crazy. And I was like, Oh my gosh. And now I have all these friends, I’m like, listen to this podcast, do this, do this.


Beth Graves:

And so if someone is at the very beginning, whether they want to have a personal brand that helps build their network marketing or they’re thinking, I know I’ve got this little nudge, you, you have that nudge that you are, you need to impact. There’s something out there. You’re ready to coach and teach. Um, what is, how is the podcasting, or if maybe they’re blogging the content, how do people come to you? Like, I came to you because of a post here, an Instagram thing here, but I’m a, I’m a professional at getting it. I wanted to get into inside your brain and I didn’t ask for it for free. You gave me a lot for free. And then I said, okay, I need an hour. How does that look? Because I like you investing in, in I in time, I invest in getting inside of people’s brains because I want it to help me to grow as and helped me as I mentor women. So talk about, well, we’ll wrap up. We have so much. We had to do a part two and three and four. Maybe it’s a regular thing, but it’s people that are listening that don’t understand what you said about content creation. Just give your cliff notes on what that looks like as people are starting to lean into their calling, okay?


Beth Graves:

And we can use Beth as an example here. For those of you listening, here’s the number one problem that I see. Somebody says I signed up for, let’s use network marketing as an example. Many of you have that in your portfolio, even you may even be a full-time network marketer, and if you’re not, this still applies to you. You get signed and here’s what you here go sell. Okay, well 90% of people don’t like sales. Number one, they don’t understand how to sell. Number two and then number three, they just want to make their money back. So they’re going to say, just tell me what to do to make my money back because Lord have mercy. I’m terrified. So you hear from the company that you make the list, you just go sell. You have the party, which is a hard sell. Then you start emailing people, messaging people.


Stefanie Gass:

When you guys, I want to turn that around on you. How do you feel when you received that message in your inbox? Hey Steph, I saw that you have wingding hair all the time from the gym and it’s Cray Cray and I saw this shampoo and I’m ready to take your lap with my luxury shampoo. And I’m like girl, back up. Like I don’t care that my hair is wingding and this is weird. Why are you messaging me this? And so here’s the thing they’re going from, I want to make money straight to selling and thinking that that’s going to create long term customers and you’re going to change your life. So here’s what you’re missing. When you have something you’re passionate about, you’ve got to get people to fully relate to you, to understand you, to learn from you and to trust you. That’s the middle piece.


Stefanie Gass: 

So it’s a journey. Okay, I want you to think of this as a marathon to the finish line, which is the sale. It’s getting them to go, well, which product are you going to use for that? Well, what’s, which solution do you recommend? And I’m in the same boat. You guys, believe me, I was unfriended on social media like a bajillion times when I was in network marketing and I even when I began my coaching business was missing this middle piece. I went straight to you. I’m going to sell the course and I sold like five because what was I missing? Trust. So here’s the actual roadmap to success as an online entrepreneur, I don’t care what you sell and what your vehicle is, it’s you get crazy passionate like you’re obsessed. So if you’re not obsessed with what your marketing, I want you to really do some soul searching and think about why.


Stefanie Gass:

What are the things you’re passionate about? What are you gifted about? What are the things you love and use and you consume? You talk about it. If you weren’t getting paid a dollar, you’d wake up and like spout from the rooftops that you’re obsessed with this, this category, whether that’s fitness, wellness, the coaching space, your network marketing product, the weight loss, you’ve had the blink, blink, blink, okay? The middle component is to teach and serve. And I’m going to tell you every time you should be serving five times more than you’re selling, so you’re going to serve, you’re going to show up and say, I lit up about nutrition. Let’s use that as an example. Now I’m going to show up and I’m going to create a platform of content and I’m going to say, I’m going to talk about testimonies. I’m going to talk about how to set up your macros.


Stefanie Gass:

I’m going to talk about how to clean out your fridge, how to revamp your pantry, what to look for on nutrition labels, how to create healthy meals for your kids and trick them into eating vegetables. I’m going to talk, so like your talk, getting all this value right, and then the woman or that’s learning from you. They’re going, I love their style. I love what they’re teaching me. I’ve learned so much. What do they have that I can pay for? Because I’m obsessed with the free content. So let me give you an example of Beth. Beth finds me. I didn’t sell Beth. I wrote her back in an authentic way. I’m like, if I can make a friend, I am winning at life. Like God brings me, people, to impact, not to sell. So I take Beth in and I’m loving her and she’s listening to the show and I don’t know how long it took her.


Stefanie Gass:
It could’ve taken Beth 10 years to work with me. Cool. That is not on me. Like I need to show up obediently for my mission. And when Beth is ready, I’m here for it. So she’s listening, she’s learning. Her life is changing, she’s changing her business. She’s having these aha moments. And then she finally says, what does coaching look like? What if I had said, Beth finds me and I immediately had pitched her, Oh, you found my show. That’s great. Do you know I coach you guys? What’s the different feeling there? You’re not trusting that you’re doing enough service that Beth will eventually want to work with you, right? You’re pushing the sale and that will repel people. So I challenge you to think about how can you pour content into the world with a call to action. Hey, if you love this tutorial on nutritious eating, did you know my favourite supplements are over at blank? Check them out, like be normal and then keep showing up in the world and trusting that because you’re pouring service out, the sales will flow in. Does that make sense, Beth? I hope that [inaudible]


Beth Graves:

yeah, it really does because um, for some people it’s more natural. Um, and that is, and I always thought, Oh, people just arrived that deed what I have or want to work with me. And then I realized that it’s a natural thing for me to ask questions, solve problems. I’m a, I’m a master connector. Like, Hey, if you need X, Y and Z, go call so and so and just always helping and serving. Um, and then showing up with how can you, how can you help? What is that content? I, I want to, um, we’re getting close to the time. I know you have to get to the bus stop and me, I love it.


Stefanie Gass:

I’m good. I’m totally good for 15 more minutes, Beth. So you love it. Okay. So


Beth Graves:

when I S I wanna go over to that content piece because, so we’re talking about stuff’s journey. She, she realized that she needed to start showing up differently so that she didn’t have, you know, like a million gerbils running on inside of her head and finding things like me. For me, the stress showed up late at night. I meet the Nutella, I’m stressed out on my whole day. Um, and then you decided I need a different platform, which was coaching. And it turned from, from the really one-course model. I’ve, I’ve even watched the transition to you realized your calling was teaching about podcasting. And for a long time I questioned because you know, you’re my celebrity podcast


Stefanie Gass:

idol and I’d be like, well, why would people want to hear from me? So the women out there that are thinking, okay, podcasting can’t be my platform. We’re not telling you it is. Yeah. But there are thousands and thousands and thousands of people. Like where are you famous when you started your podcast? Okay. This is a great question because people will, they’re always thinking, well, how do I get the content out? Should I blog? Here are your options. Blogging, YouTube, Instagram, live, Facebook live or audio podcasting. So you’ve got writing video, podcast or an audio, which is podcasting. Here’s what I did. All of them. I started with blogging and realized this is crazy. I have a newborn at the time and the two and a half-year-old and I didn’t, I don’t mind writing, but it takes me so long like versus just showing up and talking. So then I transitioned and that’s for some people, fewer people.


Stefanie Gass:

I would say 10% of my community prefer to write. If that’s for you, that’s where you should show up every week, every week. The second component, our video people and Beth and I are video people. I can show up on video. I don’t mind it. It’s fine. I’m kind of distracted because my eyebrows always need plucking. I feel like my hair is always Cray Cray, but it was cool. Like I still showed up, but it was distracting. And the other thing that was distracting for me was I could never find the right time to go on video cause I have little kids and then people didn’t know when to watch me. So I have the same 10 people online and I’m like, this is fine, but how can I touch 10 X this? How can I create a thousand viewers instead of 10 so I went onto YouTube channel?


Stefanie Gass:

Did that seem seen? Nobody’s finding me. I have to dress up. I’m not doing my makeup. I’m not putting on a bra. This is ridiculous. I started to pray. I’m like, Lord, help me with the platform. I don’t understand what it should be. I’m all over the place. I’m not consistent. And I went to bed when I, and I’m not kidding you guys, I wake up and my prayer had been answered. I had this dream or these, the words had been planted in my mind and I woke up and said out loud, I’m starting a podcast. I didn’t know where it came from. I didn’t listen to any podcasts. I didn’t even really know what that meant. I’m like, I hear you, I hear you, Lord, whatever. I’m here for it. So I realized that why I needed to do a podcast was because it’s an evergreen funnel.


Stefanie Gass:
It lives forever. There are no algorithms that are keeping you from being seen. Your SEO gets you found that searches for mom for newer or PO, you know, mom podcast. Mine comes up. So SEO was working in my favour. Here’s the biggest thing. My audience was listening, right? If you are talking to a mom, a woman in general, she’s probably listening while she works out driving, cooking. She’s not watching YouTube videos all day like our husbands are, right? So she was listening and that’s when it hit me. This is how Lola wants to hear my show up. So I made a commitment for a year, going to do it twice a week, I’m going to show up. I’m going to touch Lola. I’m going to preach to her pain points. I’m going to market the courses that will change her life. And I hope that this goes great.


Stefanie Gass:

And if not, whatever, six months in y’all, the podcast had exploded my business, tens of thousands of people were added to the community. Revenue was up by 98% I felt empowered. I felt seen, I felt heard. I was touching those thousands of the thousand women I had wanted to touch with my life. It just wasn’t feasible that that was going to work that way. And the beauty too is when someone finds your podcast, they binge listen and they listened to all of your stuff and then they want to buy all of your stuff and they hear you, you can’t fake who you are on a podcast. You have to speak from your heart and be your authentic self and show up. So it changed my entire business. So those of you that are like me, maybe you have little kids, maybe you know that you’re a Lola is working out, she’s listening while she cooks and all of those things.


Stefanie Gass:

Podcasting would be my number one recommendation because it’s exploding. Number one, people are totally getting into listening to shows. Number two, it’s growing by 30% every year. So get in before the wave, just like, you know, whatever was hot. Facebook live was hot three, four years ago. Well, podcasting, so get your spot. My biggest only regret in this whole journey was I didn’t start podcasting starting with my content two years ago that I was like, I’ll sell stuff first. I’ll create the course first. No, no. Start showing up for free first with content and preaching out your heart and teaching what you can and grow the following and the trust, and then launch the thing and then market the thing.


Beth Graves:

It’s sometimes just going. I think in network marketing, that was the thing. Or even when I started, when I was teaching, the kids were coming, whether I was ready or not, I just had to pick, you know, like they’re having a baby, we’re having a baby today. I’m in labour. Let’s go. We gotta figure it out. And that’s the thing with the podcast is, is I have a Jerry rigged microphone right now. Um, I was like, okay, I got to get these interviews out. We’re going to have Stefanie in the launch. She’s been such an integral part of, of me making this decision. And I thought their people need to hear these stories, right? There are so many people that are feeling like, You’re Not The Boss Of Me. I need to step into something else. I need to lean into the nudge. And so I’m one of the things, the first things that I did were I started, um, it was, it was like Stefanie had Lola watching me or I am Lola, but a little bit older than her, her regular Lola.


Beth Graves:

I’m the almost empty nest. Lola, this is so crazy you guys. I was, I was like going on video. I never thought like to ask case death. Do you coach around podcasting? I, that would have been a great question. Um, but instead I started, I think I bought on Fiverr like some hours and I started doing Google searches and then I became overwhelmed and then suddenly this email pops up into my box that said, Hey, would you be willing to be one of the first people to be my beta group through my course, which is podcast pro university. How do they find that if they’re curious about launching this podcast?


Stefanie Gass:

Oh my gosh, yes. I got so passionate about podcasting because of what it had done for my business. And then people started hiring me for coaching. Steph teaches me how to do a podcast or launch a show or what could it be about? Or how do I do the tech? How do I record? How do I make money? How do I make a business? And then I kept having these people hire me and I’m like, why don’t I just create this course for this and there’ll be less expensive for them and I don’t have to teach the same thing every day, right? A tax of income, passive income. So you pay attention, you guys to the questions that you’re getting over and over again because that’s a course opportunity for you. Free tip. Okay, so I created this course and it exploded. And so the reason is that people want to start a show simply easily cut out.


Stefanie Gass:

The overwhelmed online is inundated with which this what that what? Nah. I’m like, no, this is simple. We don’t need to spend a lot of money here. Let’s get this thing up and launched and then let’s grow it in a fast way. I want these girls up and running past 10,000 downloads as fast as possible and growing using SEO and Marc and authentic marketing. So I created the course and I’ve actually set up for Beth for, for your listeners, I’m a very special offer so if they go to and Beth, we’ll put this in, my name is spelt weird, We’ve set up a special offer for them where they can get buy one course, get one free, which is cool. Oh my gosh, thank you. Cause I have, I was binge course coursing binge course core thing. So you know if podcasting is resonating with your heart right now and you can go to that link and take a quiz, there’s a quiz, there’s a free checklist.


Stefanie Gass:

You don’t have to be like I have to spend money today. You don’t have to do that. Just see if podcasting might be right for you. That’s step one. And that’s over And if it’s not for you, cool, right? This is not to sell you. It’s to get you thinking about what is your platform, what is your vehicle of content distribution into the world? And whatever it is, don’t wait on it. Start the blog, start the YouTube channel, go live today. It doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to be from your heart. And the right people will show up and begin trusting you and ultimately begin working with you.


Beth Graves:

I totally agree. And that really resonates with so many women that will say, Oh, I wish I would have. It’s 1% every day. Do 1% today, do 1% tomorrow. And over time it compounds that you start to see huge changes and huge impact. So that was the, that I’m so grateful for that day that I was like, saw that I wanted a podcast and decided, well, maybe that’s something I could do because you know what? I had been on YouTube and it kept getting interrupted by the wifi. So I was like, Oh, I think I did a podcast. Um, so I love, love, love what you stand for and You’re Not The Boss Of Me, which, which just lights women up. And if you’re listening and you’re thinking, I have no idea what lights me up, like Stefanie said, lean into those questions that people are asking of you.


Beth Graves:

What do they want to learn? And, and start journaling, um, spending time with it. Grab your, your journal from Stefanie. We’ll put that in the show notes as well. Um, and start to just take a step, take action. Five years from now, I don’t want you to just say, Oh, I should’ve started a podcast or I should have just gone live on Facebook. Or maybe I should have, um, started to lean into what my true calling was and who I can impact. So, um, Stefanie, what are your closing thoughts for this audience? Do you know them pretty well? Because we’ve talked a lot about mine. Her name is, Jesse talked a lot about Jesse and how I serve her. Yes. So here’s the thing. I want you to recognize that your calling is there on purpose, whatever the thing is that you’ve been thinking about and I want you to get away from.


Beth Graves:

It’s a number. It’s not an income level. It’s not a rank. It’s not when I do this, I take the trip. It’s something inside of you that you’ve always maybe wanted. Is it the book? Is that the coaching business? Is it, you know, teaching people how to meal prep? Like I don’t know. Only you know that but it’s there on purpose and you have a responsibility to do that. You have a responsibility and it doesn’t mean you have to make money from it today, but it means you need to start feeling into it, taking action on it, and then understanding that, okay, all of God’s promises will come to fruition and you will eventually see all of the fruits of that labour, but you have to be obedient until, so I’m telling you to stop getting distracted, stop giving up on the call before you see money come in from it, because money is not the goal here, right?


Beth Graves:

It’s time, it’s freedom. It’s finally feeling passionate and lit up about whatever your soul calling is. So it’s dig in, don’t give up, get clear, and then start taking action every week to serve and help the people that you are created to help. Thank you so much. Pure gold. And I’ll close this out in a second. Hey guys, thank you so much for listening in today. Remember, nobody is the boss of you except for you. And if you heard from Stefanie today, what was so cool and my biggest takeaway was that she was willing to just give it time. She wasn’t about how am I going to make money? Who am I going to sell? What comes next? What comes next is that she started to really lean into what she felt was her calling and who she was to serve and who she was to help.


Beth Graves:

And that’s what I want to encourage you to do as you’re on this journey of, of not allowing other people to be the boss of you. It may not come to you overnight, but I want to have you take that one step. Is it a Facebook Live? Is it just send it out to your email list that you’ve got something that you want to share with them or is it a podcast you get to decide? Also, you can grab that guide that she was talking about. Well, listen Stefanie, awesome. I just love, I feel like I’m hanging out with my best girlfriend having some sparkling water on her porch and don’t forget that she has offered us a special on some of her courses over So check those out and I want to close today with a review. This launch week has been exceptional.


Beth Graves:

I thank you for so much love and this is a five-star review from Cathy Cabaniss and she says, I am obsessed with this already. Beth has a gift for seeing the vision, creating the path to get there. I can’t wait to do this. This is going to put all the pieces together and connect the right debts. I know that together we will do great things. Amazing. Beth. Cathy, thank you, and I have a boss hat that’s going to be headed your way from our urine at the Boston, me swag, and if you would be so kind to head on over to iTunes, leave us a five star review and some comments that helps me to create more of what you crave. I’d love to connect with you on Instagram as well. Take a screenshot of the podcast, tag me, hit me up in the DMs. I love hearing from you. I love creating from you and I will catch you next time.


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